
About Rosebud

Rosebud Home Care, LLC, was incorporated in the State of Ohio on January 20, 2017 with the express purpose of supporting and empowering individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities gain some form of independence as they are able to and make them feel fully integrated into the wider community. 

Our mission statement is to provide support to individuals with developmental disabilities, encourage and promote their level of independence in an environment of mutual respect.

The concept of mutual respect stems from our individual/person-centered focus. Our core belief is that individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities are people first, with basic, inviolable, and inalienable rights. The main emphasis is on viewing the “whole” person, not just the person that has identified needs. Hence our motto is to focus on abilities and strengths, because disability does not mean inability.

As an agency, we offer individualized quality care. We take care of all our individual’s basic needs as identified in their ISPs. In the process, the agency understands that discovery is not an event. Through documentation and paying particular attention to individual needs and progress, new discoveries are uncovered with each new capacity, new relationship, or new direction. Person-centered plans are updated when the individual wants to make changes, or when a goal or aspiration is achieved. This emphasizes the agency’s individual centeredness and the aim to form life plans that are centered on the individual for whom they are built and meet the person where they are at various times in their life. We work as a team of dedicated personnel, that is sensitive, compassionate, loving, and caring. Our work ethic is excellent as our staff is self-driven.

Thank you for visiting our site. We take great pride in our agency and the services we provide. We are one big family and we hope you choose to join by allowing us to provide you quality service or as one of our employees. For any questions and further inquiries, please reach out to any of our team players.
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